Nugget: Elizabeth Cady Stanton couldn't do a lot of things but that didn't stop her.
Need Enticement: The hook is about Abigail Adams 250 years ago writing a letter to her husband with the famous words, "Remember the ladies!"
---- Ok, the hook doesn't refer to the main character what so ever. It is 250 year before the main character. I read it as pure information dumping.
Escalation: We start with 4 characters going to London to end slavery. Then finding out that because they were women they didn't have a say. ---- Here is my issue, teachers who read the stories to children and even children themselves are going to have a hard time sympathizing with these ladies. Why would anyone think that they can visit another country and tell them how they can run things. Put it in kid terms, you don't go to your neighbors house and tell them how they are doing things wrong.
Page turn and the characters are back in New York. The women decided they need to write something to discuss women's rights, a sort of declaration.
--- Honestly this story is a lot of name dropping. As a history buff I loved all the tidbits about people but I got lost. We introduced so many characters and so many plots. Sojourner Truth and the fact the black women had even less rights, Amelia Bloomer and her comfortable clothing, Susan B. Anthony and the fact that she is single and doesn't have to stay home to take care of the kids and husband.
Satisfying Ending: The story ends with the Nineteenth Amendment but I can't say that it was satisfying. I have no clue where this story has taken us. To me it was like reading a "people magazine" and every page was about someone else and the story promise about Elizabeth Cady Stanton was not delivered, she was lost in the book.
Sources: A great list of women trailblazers is provided in the back and limited resources. A great compilation of dates to remember milestones in women's history.
The remaining I am leaving blank. I love this author. But, I am truly disappointed. This book would have served a much better purpose had it been presented as Trailblazers and each two page spread dedicated to a woman who contributed to making a difference in women's history.
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